BOR Do NOT Track Historical Records Option

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BOR Do NOT Track Historical Records Option

This is an option you can enable in Store Setup. See important info below before checking this option.


BOR is an RTO industry term that stands for Balance on Rent, it is a little misleading as it is actually a tracking of counts of items on rent, that you have flagged as BOR. RTO Pro has historical tracking of BOR, which means you can run BOR reports with past dates to see what BOR was on past dates or how it has changed over time.


A lot of stores, especially shed rental companies do not track BOR or do not need BOR historical data, so for this reason we are allowing it to be turned off. Also BOR historical records can take up a lot of space in your data file, needless space if you don't use the information.


There are a lot of reports that report current BOR numbers, like customer listing, overdue customer list, inventory reports etc. these reports are not affected by this change. Below is a list of reports that report BOR historical data, be sure you do not use or need these reports or sections of reports before you disable BOR Historical data.



If you disable Historical BOR records the following reports or sections of reports will not have accurate information.


1. BOR Reports, the reports from Inventory Menu > #5 BOR Report

2. BOR graph, The BOR graph that is included in Revenue Menu > #5 APU/ BOR / Income Graph. The other graphs would not be affected.

3. The following lines from the Performance Report. Revenue Reports Menu > #H Performance Report




4. The following circled columns in Management Tracking Summary, Revenue Reports Menu > #B
