Depreciation Report Definitions  

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Depreciation Report Definitions  


Below are the definitions for the highlighted sections on the sample report below.

Most of the numbers reported are here because of requests from our customers accountants. You will probably not use all of the information on this report and some of the information is purely for reconciling against your accounting software where you generally track the total values of your inventory assets. The sample report was ran on 3/2/2010 for the period of January 2010 this is where the dates in the definitions below come from.

(1). Total Cost of Paid Out inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(2). Total Depreciation for Paid Out inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(3). Total Cost of Sold inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(4). Total Depreciation for Sold inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(5). Total Cost of Charge Off inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(6). Total Depreciation for Charge Off inventory fully depreciated on this report.

(7). Total Cost of inventory fully depreciated on this report due to normal end of life depreciation (end of depreciation term).

(8). Total Depreciation for inventory fully depreciated on this report due to normal end of life depreciation (end of depreciation term).

(9). Total Cost of Normally depreciating inventory on this report.

(10). Total Depreciation for Normally Depreciating inventory on this report.

(11). This is the total cost of all inventory listed in this report. Inventory that would not be listed would be any of the following:

A. Inventory received after the month this report is for

B. Inventory that was previously fully depreciated

C. Inventory that does not belong to the depreciation agent this report is for (The example report below is for the special FP Agent "ALL AGENTS" so nothing would fall into that category on this report).

(12) Total Depreciation on this report from all sources, normal, paid out sold, charge offs.

(13). Total Old RBV, the Remaining Book Value of all inventory on this report before this months depreciation was deducted.

(14). Total New RBV, the Remaining Book Value of all inventory on this report after this months depreciation was deducted.

(15). Total cost of all inventory under this agent even if previously sold, paid out, fully depreciated etc. Received 1/31/2010 and before.

(16). Total cost of all inventory under this agent even if previously sold, paid out, fully depreciated etc. Received any date (3/2/2010 was the report date so anything through the time of the report).

(17). Total cost of all inventory under this agent that is still company owned (stock, rented, leased, loaner) Received 1/31/2010 and before.

(18). Total cost of all inventory under this agent that is still company owned (stock, rented, leased, loaner) Received any date (3/2/2010 was the report date so anything through the time of the report).

(19). Total cost of all inventory under this agent received 1/31/2010 and before that was not fully depreciated before this report was ran.

(20). Total cost of all inventory under this agent received 1/31/2010 and before that was fully depreciated on this report (paid outs, sold, charge offs and normal end of life fully depreciated).

(21). Total cost of all inventory under this agent received 1/31/2010 and before that was not fully depreciated after this report.

The sample report below is from home office and is the totals page for all stores.

