Print / Pre-load Contracts

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Print / Pre-load Contracts

Point of Sale Menu option "5"

Note: There are 2 different ways of printing new contracts for customers. Generally this procedure is used when the customer is not paying until a later time, maybe on delivery. If you want to print a contract and load it and take the money at the same time you can do that from New Rental/Leases (Point of Sale menu option "2").

The Print / Preload Contract function (Point of Sale menu option 5) and the Load New Rental/Lease function (Point of Sale menu option 2) have the same fields and screens, for more detailed information about the fields see the help topic for New Rental/Leases.

Contract Printing: To print contracts take option 1 from the main menu then option 5. Then you would enter information just like you were loading a contract (select customer or load new customer, then fill in contract information). When you get to the final screen you push F6 to print the contract, then you will be asked did it print OK.  

When the contract prints correctly select yes and the contract info will be saved so when you go to load the contract for that customer (Point of Sale Menu option 2)  the contract that was printed will come up and you will be asked if this is the one you want to load. See New Rental/Leases.

Any contract that can be run through a printer can be setup for printing or you can have it print an entire contract on blank paper (this is the recommended method, printing the entire agreement on blank paper with a laser printer). To edit the agreement for your store go to Printer / Form Setup (Setup Menu option 2).

From the Contract Editor you can push F4 to see a list of fields which you can use for your contract.(like Customer Name, Address, Model, Serial etc.) To insert a field go to the spot you want to insert it, push F4 select the field you want to use with the arrow keys then push Enter.

Note: Contracts templates that are included in RTO Pro are provided as samples only. Before using a contract in your store you should check the laws for your area and make sure all the required elements are in your contract.