Customer Zones / Routes

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Customer Zones / Routes

Customer zones/routes can be used to split customers into groups, the most common use is for collections, but it can be used for any reason you may need to split customers up.


For collections most stores will have multiple account managers that work with a group of customers, usually by geographic area. So if your customers are all in 4 cities and you have 4 account managers, you could have 1 per city, or or any other way you want to group them. The account managers can run reports and the On Screen Account Manager for their route only so they only see their customers that they work with.


The "EMPLOYEESEMAIL" field is used for message forwarding for stores that use SMS Services through RTO Pro. For multiple emails separate them with a comma. When the feature is enabled when a customer replies to a message in the Account Messenger app if that customers route is attached to employee(s) email and the employee has the RTO Pro Mobile app installed they will receive a copy of the message from the customer. Note this is only available for customers using the Account Messenger app, there are plans to make this work for customers who do not have the app installed and reply by SMS. For more information about RTO Pro messaging services see this page: