Zone Delinquency Report

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Zone Delinquency Report


This report will display overdue agreement information broken down by customer zone.

Each zone you use in your store will be displayed with the number of agreements in that zone and the number of late agreements broken down into the days late ranges which can be customized in Store Setup.


Potential = Monthly potential income, including any open retail sales. Potential Club for club only contracts and potential payments from NSF are NOT included in this figure.


Float$ = The amount a late agreement would have to pay to pay up to today, rent only. If NSF's are included on this report the NSF amount is included in the float figure.


% = Percentage of late agreements to total agreements and percentage of total float to monthly potential.




Contract types included in this report: Open Sales, RTO, Lease, Rent to Rent, As Agent, Other, Club Only. NSF's are included unless you have the setting checked in the End of Day setup to not include NSF's in overdue totals.