Employee Email as From or Reply To

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Employee Email as From or Reply To

You can now use an employee's email address as the from or reply to email in outgoing emails sent by that employee. With this feature when an employee sends an email and the customer replies the reply would go directly to the employees email account instead of the companies main email account. This is useful for companies with several employees and makes it easier for customers to communicate with the correct employee.


Set up your employees email and the option to use it as the FROM or REPLY TO in the edit employee screen.


Notes about this feature:


1. This only works if you use the feature where you log into RTO Pro when you use it and stay logged in.

2. Most email providers require all email addresses to be registered with them to be able to use the address as a "from" or "reply to" address. Be sure all employee emails you want to use like this are registered with your email service provider (contact them for more details).

3. If an employee is logged in when you edit this feature for that employee they would have to log off and back on for the changes to take affect.



Emails sent from customer listing, receipts emailed for normal payments, autopay and webpay payments and receipts for closing contracts will use the stores main email address as the from and reply to address.



Forward Replies to Employee's RTO Mobile App



If this box is checked in employee setup when the employee sends messages to other employees RTO Mobile App, and those employees reply, the replies will be forwarded to this employee's RTO Mobile App.


As an example lets say you have an employee named Jim who is working in the store, and another named Tom who is out on the road. If this box is checked for Jim and he sends an employee message to Tom's RTO Mobile App and Tom replies to that message, Jim would get a notification of the reply and see the reply in his RTO Mobile App.




Any emails entered as a forward to in the setting below will also be forwarded employee replies to their RTO Mobile App.

