Checking if Social Security exists by Command Line

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Checking if Social Security exists by Command Line

It is possible to have RTO Pro check if a customer with a passed social security number already exists in the database. Below are the command line options and returned file with results.



Command line to use:

c:\rtowin\rto-win.exe %ssnum 111-22-3333

(The ssnum can be formatted with or without the "-" 's)


RTO Pro would then create a file in the local folder "ssnum.txt" with the following content possibilities.


***-**-3333 Match Account # 100




***-**-3333 Match Alt-Name Account # 100 (When the SS# matches the alternate name SS#, the spouse etc)




***-**-3333 NO Match



Please note, if there are multiple matches in your database only the first match will be returned.